Quick Examples of How White Privilege Backfires Like a Boomerang

I’ve told myself that I’d write one of two more topics before the end of this season of Home Is Where The Hate Is and head into enjoying my American Summer. Something really blew my mind recently…

Advocatus Diaboli wrote a second part of a series about how the current anti-abortion movement/law would be destined to fail – not only as a “movement”, but the people who are made, or refuse to abide by said law.

So, here’s a finalization he made and I’ll quote him…

“But there is one more reason why the anti-abortion movement is doomed to failure. Women of reproductive age are far more sympathetic than embryos and fetuses. Just wait till any of these stupid laws results in the death of a moderately photogenic (and white) woman with ectopic pregnancy, infections spreading to fetus, pre-eclampsia, infections due to botched attempts at abortions. You think that media goes overboard promoting the victims of mass shootings? You haven’t seen anything yet. Also, social media will amplify such tragedies in ways that stupid old southern losers cannot defend. Did I mention that every internet monopoly is run and staffed by people with pro-choice views. Of course, the anti-abortion losers are too delusional and stupid to understand how their actions will end up speeding the final public demise of that movement.”

So, here’s my response to him, which I also posted in the comment section of this particular written topic:

  1. YES!!! And this is yet another example of how stupid white CONservative racist lawmakers create stupid laws to intentionally hurt and destroy blacks, browns, women and impoverished people… only to have those laws backfire on them like a boomerang.

  2. The same thing happened with the “war on drugs” (as soon as white suburbanite kids use drugs and kill themselves via the opioid crisis, they yearn for rehab and create D.A.R.E. “to keep kids off drugs” programs).

  3. The same thing happened with sexual rights and miscegenation (it’s OK for white guys to fuck everything in sight, but fast forward to today where a lot of their own women have a declining interest in sex with white men and are too busy chasing black men – hence, the real reason behind these mass shootings committed by looney “incels”).

  4. The same thing happened with white CONservatives limiting the distribution of money and resources to keep certain people in poverty (now, we’re starting to see more homeless whites flooding the suburbs – as you’ve mentioned that was exposed on a YouTube channel).

  5. The same thing happened with “the child support hustle”. Now, “the manosphere” and stupid MGTOW websites are laced with white men (including Paul Elam and Chateau Horseshit) whining about how the system, fathers’ rights, hypergamy, paternity fraud, blah blah blah

  6. The same thing happened with governments interfering with fathers’ rights in the black community – now Warren Ferrell and the likes wants to blame “fatherlessness” for why adult white men commit mass shootings, bombings and legalized murder via the police state – when the truth is, alot of these bastards DID have fathers, who probably goaded them into being racist, misogynist, murderous pieces of sh*t!

  7. The same thing is happening with the abortion issue – while I have no qualms about what a woman chooses to do with her own body, Margaret Sanger created “planned parenthood” as an attempt to say black babies should be weeded out – in other words – but now, guess who’s having babies (women of color) and who ain’t?!

Now, I’m not a religious person whatsoever. But Buddhism and Hinduism believes in the concept of “karma”, as much I do. Simply put, what goes around comes around, like a boomerang. Cause and effect!

karma (1)

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